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CaptchaAI offers a reliable and efficient solution for resolving OpenBullet's Captcha

Submitted by CaptchaAIcom at 05-03-2023, 11:39 AM

CaptchaAI offers a reliable and efficient solution for resolving OpenBullet's Captcha 1.446 Views
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OpenBullet is a testing suite of software allowing users to perform requests on a target web application. 

OpenBullet doesn't have the option to directly connect to CaptchaAI services, But until they add our services you can use CaptchaAI in solving its Captchas. 

First, you need to Log in to your account on CaptchaAI to get your key.

In OpenBullet Software, Choose "Captchas" Settings

Then choose "Custom 2Captcha Server Option" 

Add Your CaptchaAI API Key | Domain | Port

If All is Done, It should work normally 

Just Run the software and The captcha will be solved through CaptchaAI services. 

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