3 Months :- $15
6 Months :- $22
12 Months :- $30
100 Stars :- $3
500 Stars :- $12
1000 Stars :- $20
6 Months :- $22
12 Months :- $30
100 Stars :- $3
500 Stars :- $12
1000 Stars :- $20
1️⃣ Choose the subscription you want and pay
2️⃣ Send me the username of the Telegram account where the gift needs to be sent in the conversation.
3️⃣ Await the order fulfillment & no further action will be required from your end
The average subscription activation time is from 2 to 5 minutes, up to a maximum of couple hours, delays can only be due to problems on the part of the servers.
? Your account must not have an active Telegram Premium subscription. You can check if you have a subscription through @PremiumBot.
PPOV :- I have the SECURE account subscription activation service - everything is absolutely legal.
Comment down below or send pm for order