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XFiles • DeerStealer • Loader • Bypass Defender • SmartScreen • Browsers Alerts.

Submitted by LuciferXFiles at 22-08-2024, 03:33 AM

V.I.P XFiles • DeerStealer • Loader • Bypass Defender • SmartScreen • Browsers Alerts. 732 Views
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[Image: XFiles-EN.gif]
XFiles is a stealer that can surprise with its simplicity and ease of use, designed for both one and a huge team.
 Everything is already configured for you and ready to use!
 Native Stub, written in the C programming language. The created builds are 70% unique thanks to our self-written protector. Plan up to 90% (Coming soon)
System calls are used wherever possible, in other cases WinAPI is used, no third-party libraries are used or required, the decoding of the collected log occurs entirely on the server.
 Work panel in Windows and in the web panel (Coming soon)
 Crypt build for the Thief subscription - Unlimited recryption of your file.
- We encrypt only EXE of our clients.
- At the output EXE or MSI
- Guaranteed bypass of AV DEFENDER
- Any icon for the EXE file.
- Gluing with white exe.
 For Professional subscription - a unique dll file is issued to bypass smart and browser Alerts, as well as our scripts.
 Has its own non-resident Loader.
 Google Cookies recovery by token.
 The stealer collects data if the victim's browser is open.
 The stealer collects up to 1GB of browser extensions.
 Private Proxies (Coming soon)
 For each build, a unique obfuscated data exchange protocol is generated for interaction with the gate (knock), delivery of logs to the gate occurs in parts. Thanks to this, we greatly increase the life of builds.
 Works on machines from Windows 7 to Windows 11 inclusive. Please note that our stealer does not knock on the CIS!
 Data collection works in memory, nothing is dropped to disk.
 Dynamic browser data collection, collects Cookies, Passwords, Autofill, Credit Cards. Supports over 50+ browsers (Google Chrome, Chromium, Opera, Opera GX, Edge, Firefox, etc.)
 Collection of over 800+ popular browser crypto wallets (extensions) integrated into Chrome, Brave, Opera, Firefox and Edge browsers. Collects all possible Crypto, Nft wallets, Password, 2Fa, OTP, Authentication Managers and Notes.
 Collection of Crypto Wallets Desktop
✦ Armory,Atomic,Coinomi,BitcoinCore,Exodus,JaxxLiberty,Guarda,EverSurf,MoneroCore,Electrum (Binance,Kraken,Copay,,Mexc,Thetan,Lunascape,Tonkeeper,Beam) coming soon
 Collection of Crypto USB Wallets Desktop
✦ Ledger, Trezor, (coming soon)
 Collection of Authenticator/2FA/OTP desktop
✦ WinAuth, SecureKey, Authme, 2FAGuard, Protecc, 2fast. (coming soon)
 Desktop messenger collection
✦ Discord, Telegram (WhatsApp, Signal, Pidgin, RamBox, Viber, Psi+
Pidgin, tox, Matrix) Coming soon
 Desktop FTP clients collection
✦ FileZilla, WinSCP (CoreFTP, Snowflake, CyberDuck, FTP Navigator, FTPRush, FlashFXP, Smartftp, TotalCommander, Winscp, Ws_ftp, Coreftp) coming soon
 Desktop VPN clients collection
✦ OpenVPN, ProtonVPN (WindscribeVPN, NordVPN, TurboVPN, VPN master. EarthVPN, AzireVPN, OpenVPN, PrivateVPN_Global_AB) coming soon
 Desktop gaming clients collection
✦ Steam (Origin, Battlenet, Mojang session, Twitch, OBS profiles) coming soon
 Collection of VNC desktop clients
✦ TightVNC, TigerVNC, RealVNC, UltraVNC.
 Remote control tools for desktop clients
✦ AnyDesk, Windows RDP (Teamwierer) coming soon
 Collection of Mail desktop clients
✦ Outlook (New, Classic, Office 2016 with password decryption), Thunderbird. (FoxMail, EMclient, Mailbird & Mailspring) coming soon
 Desktop notes collection
✦ OneNote, Sticky Notes, NoteFly, Notezilla, Simple Sticky Notes, Windows Sticky Notes of win7 10 11 - Coming soon
 Desktop password collection and storage
✦ KeePass, NordPass, LastPass, BitWarden, 1Password, RoboFormб Credman passwords Coming soon
 Customizable flexible file grabber, written with an emphasis on optimization and the use of system calls, due to which fewer detections from AV.
 Protection from AI Bots. (Coming soon)
 Windows/MacOs stealer/HVNC logs purchase/sale store - coming soon
 ChatGPT and ChatIA integration into panels - coming soon
 Antidecket Browser integration - coming soon
 AutoCheck of crypto balances and steam inventory - coming soon
Read all updates in the posts to the topic.
Tech part:
Admin Panel Foto:
Log Structure:
Developer's Comment:
Prices for our Product and Contacts:
LuciferXFiles's Avatar'
[Image: build-Clear.jpg]
✅The stub was cleaned
🔋Windows Defender 10/11 Both clean - Scantime & Runtime
❤Without crypt:
Avcheck (scantime) 
1/26 (clean)
Scanner (runtime)  
 (Windows Defender 10/11 Clean)
❤With crypt: ( every 24 hours cleaning of the stub )
Avcheck (scantime) 
0/26 (All clean)
Scanner (runtime) 
 (Windows Defender 10/11 Clean)

PM of this forum
TOX - C96EA8DFB780D9053728816F20901315F6284CB73B735559100696FB30B31364CE0AD357E634
Jabber - [email protected]
Telegram - Write your telegram nickname in PM right away
Matrix -
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[Image: Update-3-8-0.jpg]
🏠Update 3.8.0
➖ Added interactive instructions on how to use the Loader and File Grabber for your convenience!
➖ Adjusted the collection of browser data.
➖ Updated the pads (every 24 hours)
➖ Cleaning the crypt stub - works 24 hours.
[Image: 1.png]
[Image: 2.png]

PM of this forum
TOX - C96EA8DFB780D9053728816F20901315F6284CB73B735559100696FB30B31364CE0AD357E634
Jabber - [email protected]
Telegram - Write your telegram nickname in PM right away
Matrix -
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[Image: Update-3-9-0.jpg]
Update 3.9.0
➖ Changed the interface of the Extension Grabber, now it has become much more convenient: the ability to import prepared extensions in "CSV" and "Simple" format as shown in the screenshot. It is now possible to import a list of extensions recommended by us into your config with 1 click.
➖ Extension names will now be shown in the archive with the log (as in the screenshot)
➖ Improved localization to EN, RU, ES.
➖ Updated proxy servers (every 24 hours.)
➖ Cleaning the crypto stub (every 24 hours.)
We are already working on a new major update! Personal proxies, Hidden VNC and much more!
[Image: 1.png]
[Image: 2.png]
[Image: 3.png]
[Image: 4.png]

PM of this forum
TOX - C96EA8DFB780D9053728816F20901315F6284CB73B735559100696FB30B31364CE0AD357E634
Jabber - [email protected]
Telegram - Write your telegram nickname in PM right away
Matrix -
LuciferXFiles's Avatar'
🏠Update 3.10.0

Added decryption of new Google Chrome cookies!

➖ Almost silent decryption of new cookies, bypass of admin rights is used, the build does not moved into the folder with the installed Google Chrome as in many other stealers!
➖ Updated the Panel
➖ Optimized the build, minimized unnecessary network activity from the build.

Support for decryption only for new builds, for this in the old config you need to click on the button to switch to the new version and create a build.

➖ Decryption of new Brave Cookies is also available.
➖ Thanks to decryption, the stealer collects cvc in the same way.
➖ Updated proxies (every 24 hours.)
➖ The Tester subscription is no longer available.
➖ Improved crypt stub - subscription cost is $ 250 per month.



PM of this forum
TOX - C96EA8DFB780D9053728816F20901315F6284CB73B735559100696FB30B31364CE0AD357E634
Jabber - [email protected]
Telegram - Write your telegram nickname in PM right away
Matrix -
LuciferXFiles's Avatar'
[Image: Update-3-11-0.jpg]

Update 3.11.0
➖A small update, added log markers by default, to do this you need to go to Team Management > Log Markers (at the very bottom) > Click on the blue button
➖Now we are in matrix

PM of this forum
TOX - C96EA8DFB780D9053728816F20901315F6284CB73B735559100696FB30B31364CE0AD357E634
Jabber - [email protected]
Telegram - Write your telegram nickname in PM right away
Matrix -
LuciferXFiles's Avatar'
[Image: Update-3-12-0.jpg]
Update 3.12.0
➖ A small update, the control panel of created builds has been improved, the ability to mass delete builds has appeared. It is worth noting that the logs received from deleted builds will still be sent to your panel!
[Image: 35e2196c-7128-4c7d-9782-338a2c70d6e8.png]

PM of this forum
TOX - C96EA8DFB780D9053728816F20901315F6284CB73B735559100696FB30B31364CE0AD357E634
Jabber - [email protected]
Telegram - Write your telegram nickname in PM right away
Matrix -
LuciferXFiles's Avatar'
[Image: Update-3-13-0.jpg]
We have updated the stub, now we also collect Mail clients - Outlook (New, Classic, Office 2016 with decryption of the president), Thunderbird.
 Remote control tools - AnyDesk, Windows RDP (we also decrypt the password from it, if it is present)

PM of this forum
TOX - C96EA8DFB780D9053728816F20901315F6284CB73B735559100696FB30B31364CE0AD357E634
Jabber - [email protected]
Telegram - Write your telegram nickname in PM right away
Matrix -
LuciferXFiles's Avatar'
[Image: Update.jpg]
🏠Update 3.13.0 🏠
➖ A small but important update! Google Chrome in version v130 slightly changed the encryption method, so we changed the decryption algorithm. Rebuild IS NOT REQUIRED, only our server part is affected. If you have broken (with hieroglyphs, etc.) cookies due to the new version of Chrome, write to support - we will help you restore these cookies!
➖Now when creating a build config, the config is created with a new version (v5) automatically. 
➖Removed lags in the chrome extensions management interface (only for v5).

PM of this forum
TOX - C96EA8DFB780D9053728816F20901315F6284CB73B735559100696FB30B31364CE0AD357E634
Jabber - [email protected]
Telegram - Write your telegram nickname in PM right away
Matrix -
LuciferXFiles's Avatar'
[Image: Important.jpg]
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Dear project participants, in connection with the latest news in telegram, we recommend subscribing to Element messenger to always stay in touch.
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