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Get Traffic on Your Ewhore Snapchat Account Easy

Submitted by Anonymous at 16-10-2021, 06:02 PM

Get Traffic on Your Ewhore Snapchat Account Easy 45.216 Views
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We're going to use multiple Instagram accounts to drive Snapchat adds to a SINGLE Snapchat account.

Required for this method :

- Girl Snapchat account (With hot pictures, not fully nude!)
- (Multiple) Instagram accounts (Girl, some nice pictures that fit with the ones from Snapchat)
- IG bot
- Adult CPA offers (Anything works)
- link


1. - Create an Instagram Account
-> Pictures and description should attract male users
-> Being a private account works as well! You will get more adds from my experience!

2. - Create a Snapchat Account
-> Post some hot pictures regulary (1-2 a day)

3. - Connect Instagram with Snapchat
-> Head over to
-> Enter your username and copy your link
-> Add your SnapChat.Me link to your Instagram account(s)
(This will boost the daily adds enormously as it's quick and easy for your male audience)

4. - Use any IG Bot to get traffic

IMPORTANT : No matter how many Instagram accounts you are using, always add the same link/Snapchat Account

You can easily scale the amount of adds up...It's all about how many Instagram accounts are running.


Per account you get 30-50 adds a day, with 10 accounts, this will mean you'll receive 300-500 adds a day.



Instagram accounts -> Snapchat Adds -> More Snapchat Story views -> Post CPA Offers/Chat with users about it (On Snapchat) -> Get conversations!


The success with this method depends on your accounts and pictures.

The better and more realistic your profiles look, the more conversations you will receive.

Some tips:
- Use aged accounts
-> When starting the bot, remove the link. Instagram will increase your follow rate per day with this (you don't get banned that fast). Use a small delay between following, so you follow enough people in a few minutes. THEN (after following is done) add the link again, as the most people will check your profile in a matter of a few hours, means they still see the link then.)

- Use p-stars as source
-> No comment haha

- It's all about content & quality.
-> Make it look legit -> More cash. This is the most important detail in the method.


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Get Traffic on Your Ewhore Snapchat Account Easy - by Anonymous - 16-10-2021, 06:02 PM

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