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LVL 50+?

Submitted by nachofist3 at 25-02-2022, 12:54 AM

LVL 50+? 2.071 Views
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It is very likely that we will reach level 50 and ask ourselves… I can't do chaos dungeon. a very common question that comes to us. But it is very likely that you will reach 50 during the leveling, you just have to follow the chain of missions until you reach Bern.

Once we reach Bern and finish the quest chain. we can unlock the dungeons of chaos and guardians

But first of all, they will send us to Trixion, along with Beatrice, where we can unlock our awakening ability, and this is the first thing we have to do.

The first thing we will have to do is focus on completing the Bern mission chain, belonging to the main chain.

Once we finish the story of Bern, we will receive the Bern pass, with this we can raise an alter to level 50. Our alter will appear in Bern, with 302 gear and ready to unlock Chaos Dungeons and Guardians. We will receive a second deberna pass with our alter, with which we can upload our third character. Right now we'll have our main character, and two alters at 50 with 302 gear. We will already have unlocked the awakening abilities of both characters.

The first thing we will do is go to Sushire with our main character, and we will focus on finishing the chain as soon as possible.

Meanwhile, we can do 2 chaos dungeons and 2 guardians a day every day. both with the main, and optionally with the alters.

Although in my case I have preferred to wait to finish suhire and then create both alters and level them up.

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