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Scam report against | /User/GodkillWasTaken | $700

Submitted by Junx at 23-08-2022, 11:26 AM

Scam report against | /User/GodkillWasTaken | $700 1.035 Views
Junx's Avatar'
Username: GodkillWasTaken 
Profile Link: - Profile of GodkillWasTaken
Short Description Of Product/Service: PayPal account checker
Thread of sales:
Screenshots of conversation: I have screenshots+video will send to staff. 
Amount scammed: $700

Proof of payment (IMPORTANT, PLEASE POST):

Additional Information: 
When I was buying the checker he was replying, he sent the files and it the licensing of my HWID didn't work.  He asked for video showing that it wasn't working and just never replied to me again.  Scammed for $700 - this happened August 16, and he never replied and its August 23 now.

Messages In This Thread
Scam report against | /User/GodkillWasTaken | $700 - by Junx - 23-08-2022, 11:26 AM

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