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Scam report against | User/demonrtz | $500

Submitted by thing2 at 11-02-2025, 04:24 AM

V.I.P Scam report against | User/demonrtz | $500 475 Views
thing2's Avatar'
Username: demonrtz

Profile Link:

Short Description Of Product/Service: Twitter Government Verified Checkmark Accounts (2)

Thread of sales: I made thread asking to buy and he replied and dmed me.
Screenshots of conversation:

Amount scammed: $500

Proof of payment:

Additional Information:
- I made thread asking to buy a government verified twitter account (grey checkmark).
- He replied to my thread and said to dm him.
- I checked my dms and he sent me his telegram.
- I added him on telegram and we can see from the sceenshots that he said he was gonna provide 2 government cherkmark (grey chermark) twitter accounts for $500.
- A little bit after I sent him the money, the conversation disapeared from my telegram and I either got blocked or he deleted his account.
- In the end, I never got those accounts and lost $500.

Messages In This Thread
Scam report against | User/demonrtz | $500 - by thing2 - 11-02-2025, 04:24 AM

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