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Scam reports

Scam report against | /User/Cakespls | $1000

Submitted by hakimaster9 at 19-02-2025, 10:00 PM

Scam report against | /User/Cakespls | $1000 438 Views
Cakespls's Avatar'
I never denied this user a Middleman.  You can even see it in his photo that I accepted it for the product I am selling: Invoices.   He wanted a middleman for the SEs he wants to use it for.  I have no obligation to guarentee his own method, only the product itself.   He became a headache after I denied MM and went searching for anything he could find on me Lol.  The pictures he provides is from a conversation with a customer 3 years ago.   Its next level butthurt

If possible I would like to squash all of this by what the admin Beastmode said on telegram to me:

"Cakes Pls, [2025-02-13 6:17 PM]
hey I want to also say one thing.  On nulled/cracked they had me banned for bullshit and a lot of people know me.  I actually am legit af.  I could prove anything to you

Cakes Pls, [2025-02-13 6:17 PM]
just letting youk now now

pto_beastmode, [2025-02-13 6:18 PM]
There are a lot of people who come in this way in our forum, as long as you do not break the rules, no one will do anything to you."

I have not broken any rules here. This user is mad I wouldnt Middleman his Method for free, which is outside the scope of what I am selling.

However if required then here is my response:
If we analyze the picture we can see that I had fully explained to him the method in detail.  When it was his time to live chat he did not ask for a 30 day replacement as per policy.  He went with Warranty which is not a replacement. You can see that I even translated it to russian.  The russian text is specifically telling he that he needs to go with Policy 30 day replacement.   Since he didnt request for that, the SE attempt was ruined.  Usually SE's will happen within a week however this guy was spamming me every few hours for days and blowing up my DMs.   When it was the time for the photoshopper to do his work, he was impatient and demanded me a refund.  Also this is not the full story, and if required I would dig up the old Chat export I saved of this guy.  Even after this situation in the screenshots I stuck around trying to help him understand the method for a while until he had insulted me, at that point I decided to never speak with him again.  His issue is that he did not understand the specifics, yet I did provide him the method in full.  I did also tell him at the beggining that his failures are his own. There is also thousands of people who could comment on my explanation of this method being real. As many people knew Dell method, just did not have the vulnerabilities for Invoices that I did.

For the record I would negative rep OP way more if I could.
Hacker for hire. Methods for sale. Access for sale.

The -rep/likes is from salty scammers, I will use Middleman if worried.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Scam report against | /User/Cakespls | $1000 - by Cakespls - 22-02-2025, 05:24 PM

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