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Scam reports

Scam report against | /User/Cakespls | $1000

Submitted by hakimaster9 at 19-02-2025, 10:00 PM

Scam report against | /User/Cakespls | $1000 438 Views
hakimaster9's Avatar'
We can clearly see by his response above how manipulative he is. I am adamant on my claims and its crystal clear that

1. He has refused me middleman for his service.
2. He treated like shit a guy that paid him 1k for mentorship and in the end told him to fuck off when all he asked was pictures from his guy he recommended for photoshop, it was several days that he was asking for these pictures and getting no answers.
3. This type of behavior will result in scams in the future for sure

Messages In This Thread
RE: Scam report against | /User/Cakespls | $1000 - by hakimaster9 - 22-02-2025, 05:58 PM

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