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Scam reports

Scam report against | /User/Refunding FTID.BZ | $30

Submitted by Cakespls at 27-02-2025, 11:24 PM

Scam report against | /User/Refunding FTID.BZ | $30 602 Views
Cakespls's Avatar'
27-02-2025, 11:41 PM Refunding Wrote:
@A35 OP is a known scammer who's banned on every other forum "I won't include links for obvious reason but I can DM you all the proof if needed".

On top of being a known scammer OP is a moron with anger issue, he didn't type his tracking number correctly which is why his order wasn't processed quickly, he couldn't just copy I guess. After we told him that the delay was because he was to stupid too CTRL + C and CTRL + V he started throwing a sissy fit and saying he'll hack

@A35 let me know what you want me to do, I can refund his victim that little 30$ if you prefer, I suggest banning him from here too tho.

Hopefully you can backup your claim of me being a scammer.  That same report was filed here, to which Ive addressed.  Any further claims, should be done publically with evidence so I can address it. The only known scam right now is you.

The report filed on your website is by a User who was Upset that I wouldnt Middleman for a service I WAS NOT OFFERING.   He wanted to have a MM for my Invoice Selling service.  Yet he wanted his Method to be successful for the MM to go through.  My service is the Invoice, not his method.  I agreed to MM for the invoice sale only.  He became upset, and looked in tg channels.  Found some idiot from 2 years ago and got that guys SIDE OF THE STORY, then reported it.   I have the entire story you fucking idiot.  If you want to Slander me then do it publically so I can address your idiocy.   I have 10 years here with 1k+ customers who can vouch for me.  I can bring tons of them here if you want to comment, in comparism to the 1 person you found 2 years ago LOL  its actually a complete joke.   Im pretty sure already reviewed it. 2 years ago when it happened, they filed a report with AIOCrime Telegram to JD, and JD looked at my side, and concluded that I was in the right as well.  Stop trying to justify your own scam buddy
Hacker for hire. Methods for sale.

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RE: Scam report against | /User/Refunding | $30 - by Cakespls - Yesterday, 12:47 AM

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