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Scam reports

Scam report against | /User/Refunding FTID.BZ | $30

Submitted by Cakespls at 27-02-2025, 11:24 PM

Scam report against | /User/Refunding FTID.BZ | $30 654 Views
Cakespls's Avatar'
I just checked something I forgot to check in the very first place. 

His claim that my tracking wasnt valid is actually FALSE.  I entered the trakcing number correctly!  At this point I think you guys are cooked

Tracking: 9434636487716808961413

You can see it says label created not yet in system.  I created it, and he never FTID it.

[Image: image.png]

[Image: image.png]
[Image: image.png][Image: image.png]
Hacker for hire. Methods for sale. Access for sale.

The -rep/likes is from salty scammers, I will use Middleman if worried.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Scam report against | /User/Refunding | $30 - by Cakespls - 2 hours ago

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