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Scam reports

Scam report against | /User/DunkiDun| $227

Submitted by Cuba at 8 hours ago

Scam report against | /User/DunkiDun| $227 71 Views
Cuba's Avatar'
Username: @DunkiDun
Profile Link:
Short Description Of Product/Service: (Ex: Account, Service, Trading)
Thread of sales: (If any, Ex:
Screenshots of conversation: (Screen shots of whole conversation, please remove any personal information or private messages, and send that to "STAFF" instead)
Amount scammed: (Ex: $25) 227$

Proof of payment (IMPORTANT, PLEASE POST): 

Additional Information: (Anything you might find useful)

I wanted to buy a Bunq account from Void. We initially agreed on $177, but it took so long to create the account that he made me wait for a week. After that, I said, "Fuck it, just give me an account you already created." He then said, "Yeah, I have an N26 account ready, but it will cost you $100 more." I told him I wouldn’t pay that much, so we eventually agreed on an additional $50. And today, he deleted our entire conversation. But the smartass thinks I didn’t take screenshots.

Messages In This Thread
Scam report against | /User/DunkiDun| $227 - by Cuba - 8 hours ago

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